Motivating your best investments – your people

Best selling author Steve Chandler and lawyer Scott Richardson show readers in their book, 100 ways to motivate other, how to get the best results from their people. They show how leaders must motivate from the top down in order to be effective.
“100 Ways to Motivate Others” is the result of many years of experience in successful leadership coaching and training. The book shares with readers practical methods that can inspire and encourage others.
In this note, we are going to share with you the top 10 ways we think that you are best placed to motivate your team.

1. Know Where Motivation Comes From.

Motivation comes from within. Good managers get people to motivate themselves by managing agreements, not people.
In leading your team, take time to get to know them and what is motivating them.

2. Teach Self-Discipline.

People are not born with self-discipline; they learn to use it. The more they use, self- discipline, the more effective they become.

3. Tune In Before You Turn On.

Leaders cannot motivate other if they are not being heard. In order for them to be heard, they must first listen.

4. Be the Cause, Not the Effect.

Managers act as a cause, not an effect. This allows their people to think of themselves the same way – maximizing their potential.

5. Stop Criticizing Upper Management.

This leads to trust problems and encourages disrespect for the organization. A true leader represents upper management and says “we” instead of “they”.

6. Do the One Thing.

No matter how many things have to be done, they will be accomplished one at a time. Motivation requires a calm leader who focuses on doing one thing.

7. Keep Giving Feedback.

Achievements require constant feedback. Depriving people of feedback causes them to create their own, which is usually negative, and leads to problems

8. Get Input from Your People.

Creative input from direct sources is good for the business and highly motivational for both parties involved.

9. Accelerate Change.

Change can be a good thing, and managers should make sure their people see how they can benefit from it. Change can be better managed by understanding the Change Cycle:

    1. Objection: This can’t be good.
    2. Reduced Consciousness: I really don’t want to deal with this.
    3. Exploration: How can I make this change work for me?
    4. Buy-in: I have figured out how I can make this work for me and for others.

10. Know Your Owners and Victims.

Owners own their own morale and their response to any situation. Victims blame the situation and need to be shown how things could be if they were owners.

11.    Lead from the Front.

Managers can motivate well by being what they would like their people to be.

12.    Preach the Role of Thought.

People are motivated when they think motivating thoughts. Thought, and not circumstance, should rule.

13.    Tell the Truth Quickly.

Great leaders tell the truth faster than other managers do.

14.    Don’t Confuse Stressing Out with Caring.

People do not perform well when stressed or tense. Caring gives focus.

15.    Manage Your Own Superiors.

Leaders should be in harmony with those who lead them.

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