Welcome into my world… and the Insights I have learned within!

Murray Slatter

My Mission :

To empower good teams to be great, transforming lives & communities!

Murray Slatter, 2013

For over 30 years I have had the privilege and honour to learn from, work with, and lead truly fantastic teams from 52 countries worldwide. Teams that together have achieved many great things in:

  1. Highly technical, cutting-edge innovation arena’s
  2. Transformational change programs for Products and Services
  3. Strategic, Whole of Company – Transformational change programs

Best Practice Methods to achieve superior outcomes

I am passionately driven by my professional will and commitment to excellence, I lead my teams instilling a culture of enduring growth, centred on striving towards best-in-class practices, strategically planning, designing, testing, and implementing business cases that yield outsized returns, through thoughtful allocation of capital creating win-win-wins, bundling benefits.

My expertise lies in fostering enduring Growth and Innovation cultures within firms, focusing on three key arenas:

  1. People: Cultivating professionalism, personal growth, and mission-driven thinking, with a systems mindset.
  2. Systems: Implementing policies, processes, and procedures for service excellence.
  3. Tools: Driving digital transformations and seamless systems integrations with best practice methodologies.

Leading Great Teams

First things First – Mission, Vision, Values, Goals

Establishing the “Why,” the very mission that drives the team or company, is absolutely critical for effective leadership (getting the right things done) and organizational empowerment. I have learnt through many toils to navigate the challenges of change successfully I must assemble the right team —a team that shares the vision and values.

To achieve this, I found that clarity and thoroughness are key. I have developed an art of defining my vision with and socialising it to establish shared values and goals. Values alignment and mutual goal setting are the cornerstones of an environment built on respect and trust. I found that when tough times arise, each team member can find confidence in knowing that we are in this together, and together, we will persevere, emerge stronger than ever, and grow as one cohesive unit. #wetogether

Enduring Value

Strategy – making complex simple

Strategically, you must adopt complex analytics to develop unique insights into how your value proposition will attract, retain and expand customers and how much value you are going to create for them + how much they will reward you for that value you created.

Having consulted with many highly sophisticated companies with mediocre returns, proved to have disorganised value propositions. I have been able to collaborate with the Executives, Management, and Teams to transform the products and services, creating immutable unique value propositions that transformed their enduring financial performance.

Making complex simple: developing a visual strategy map from a complex set of analytics has empowered the team to simply see the operation of when we could create exponential value, building in self-sustaining loops of value creation and co-creation.

Where to Play, How to Win

To truly scale, and build out a highly profitable and enduring business, you really need to understand how to define your strategy of Where to Play & How to Win.

Leveraging the best practice principles, tool kits, systems, processes & empowering our people, I have applied these principles to define the markets to target the largest marginal profits, then apply AND/OR enhance and develop our team’s skills and focus to build out the How to Win best practice methodologies.

Having led this process many times, for Projects, Products, Programs and Portfolios over 20 years, I have successfully led each team in each endeavor to exceed the strategic plan of the board/executive.

Leading Change

With my early career rooted in complex technical systems development, operations, and maintenance, these fertile soils empower’ today a humility and empathy in understanding the barriers to change, the behavioral impediments, and resistance to change from a deeply experiential viewpoint. Add to this a thoughtful appreciation and sensibility of the cultural or contextual differences across teams, organisations and nations having delivered transformational change projects in ~52 counties with colleagues from almost every nation.

Learning Lessons

Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success

William Ritter

Transitioning from a technical lead in my first technical field, I wrestled with the energy to succeed, what it took to avoid failure, and the motivation to learn more (again to avoid failure). Later, through my first Masters’s degree, I learned to appreciate that although failure feels rough, maturing a skill that learns to appreciate humbly what succeeded and with honesty understand where there are areas for improvement has led me to an appreciation of the accumulation of successes, small wins if you will, and the integrity to always review, reconsider and re-iterate plans to maximise success in the face of adversity or risk.

It is the honesty and integrity to assess and review my failures that has empowered a career of accumulative learning that led to my second Masters’s degree (and likely third).

The Journey

Most of what I will write on my blog will be for my own Professional therapy, for my immediate family (to encourage inspire and reflect), colleagues, and friends.

I trust if you have found yourself here, you will consider my thoughts shared, as shared respectfully and reciprocate with respect, thoughtfully sharing with others as you tread your own journey.